Les femmes et le voile. City College New York
Publié le 29.09.2016

Le Cheikh Khaled Bentounes et Prof. Marnia Lazreg ont participé à une soirée "Women and the Veil" - les femmes et le voile, le jeudi 29 septembre 2016 au City College de New York.


Women and the Veil: A Historical Perspective will feature Prof. Marina Lazreg and Sheikh Khaled Bentounces. The event was moderated by Vince Boudreau, Dean, Colin Powell School.

Marnia Lazreg is a professor of sociology at Hunter College and the Graduate Center (CUNY). She is a graduate of the University of Algiers from where she reecived her Baccalaureate in Mathematics and Philosophy, as well as licence-es-lettres, with three distinctions. She also reecived an MA and a Ph.D. in sociology from New York University.

Sheikh Khaled Bentounces is a spritual leader and the Honorary President of AISA International NGO. Heir to a long spiritual chain going back to the Prophet Muhammad, Sheikh Bentounces is a writer. teacher and conference speaker who travels the world as a messenger of peace.


Le Cheikh Bentounes en compagnie de Prof. Marnia Lazreg et Farida Souiki, AISA Canada


Vince Boudreau, Proviseur du Colin Powell School, Prof. Marnia Lazreg et le Cheikh Bentounes


Le Cheikh Bentounes lors de son allocution Voilement Dévoilement au City College à New York déclare:

"Le voile est une tradition et une coutume. Comme tout vêtement, il n'a rien à voir avec la foi, qui elle se connaît à travers les oeuvres, les actions."




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